



  • Thanks for listening. Do you want adjustments to be made only for papers in future issues?
  • Thanks for your attention. We apologize for the inconvenience and need for adjustments. As this is our first contact, we are now updating ourselves on the platform and settings. Could you cite an example of a journal that has followed these standard…
  • This is the link to one of our magazines: https://www.periodicojs.com.br/index.php/hs What do I need to do to start sending metadata to Zotero?
  • Understand. Thank you for your attention. I want to implement Zotero for our journals. So what would be the first step? Would there be a need for some plugin for OJS in order to export the files? As I said, we use OJS and output the DOI of articles.
  • So, as a publisher do we need to import articles into Zotero? Would zotero be an academic community that would allow different people to meet and contribute to the authors of the articles? As a publisher, can we have access to citation, reading or…