



  • I am sitting in front of a PC at my university. Somehow the IP blocking been removed. I can now access the articles from ACS. Is it common that Zotero has communication issues with ACS? In general, it works pretty well with all journals but in the…
  • I, not really I just click on the save plugin button in Chrome two times per day. Sometimes I have problems in saving files from ACS journals, they show "error in communication" and then I try and press again. Maybe here is the issue, when I click q…
  • Hi, I have installed and used the standalone version of Zotero and currently I am using the plugin (extension) for Google Chrome. Do you mean I could install the plugin for Firefox in Seamonkey? or what installation are you referring to? Thanks…
  • Hi, thank you it worked. Zotero synchronized the directory's tree. Many attachments were not copied into the online zotero, I have a 300Mb free account and I checked the current storage is 219Mb. Could you help me with these two questions: 1) I …
  • Hi, thanks a lot for the information. I see now what is the idea behind Zotero: not to open it frequently but just once and leave it running. In my case, usually I have several windows open and I use Zotero only when I need to add or search for a…
  • Hi, these are the URLs I copied from omnibox of Chromium. I am not using a proxy. thanks.
  • hi, here is the URL of a JCP article where the connector doesn't work: http://jcp.aip.org/resource/1/jcpsa6/v134/i17/p174105_s1 about APS journals: in this URL I am able to get the metadata but not the pdf file: http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL…
  • Hi, my library has 1161 items most of them (~95%) have an attached pdf journal article. Sometimes Zotero takes about 9 seconds to display the items. Is it normal? I remember when I had less than 50 items in the library Zotero was really much more…
  • Following the recommendations of the thread: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/20096/zotero-ubuntu-1110-and-libreoffice/ I just uninstalled "libreoffice-kde". Now the bibliography is working fine in Zotero. Thanks.