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- fulaoshi
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I also was having high CPU usage on my mac. I disabled a number of plugins, including BBT, and it is better now. Not 100% sure it was BBT, but seems like it might be. Worth investigating...
Oh, fantastic. Thanks.
I would like this as well. Renaming only works within folders, but the ability to pin would also allow one to add selected smart folders to the top of the list, which is not possible with this workaround.
Thank you so much for this! (Though I really think this is important enough that it should be a built-in feature.)
Thanks. That's interesting, and explains why things don't work as expected. My use case is simple: I see posts about forthcoming books on social media. The publisher page often has an ISBN, but no metadata, and the book isn't yet listed in Google B…
"the existence of a central ISBN database is not something Zotero can control" I understand that, but it is really unfortunate that such a database does not exist. It really should be the case that once an ISBN has been purchased for a future book …
I am constantly having difficulty adding ISBNs for non-US titles to Zotero. It would be really nice if there was a central database. It is a bit easier once a book is published, but the data should really be accessible as soon as the ISBN has been r…
Hmm. That seems like the best option for now.
Tags are not that different from collections. I really would like the ability to start selecting items first and then decide what to do with them later. With tags or collections I have to first make a new tag or collection and then assign them to it…
Oh, this looks great. Thanks.
I use tags, but I really think the app would be better if read status was its own feature. I've used other apps that have this and I find it works better than tags.
This is a huge improvement in usability. Thanks so much.
Thanks everyone, I've written my own guide here. I think it is a simpler workflow, as it requires less steps each time you export (no need to use the terminal). If you have any suggested edits or corrections, please let me know! https://garden.oxus…
Strangely, it says that it is an invalid login and then says (after another try) that there have been too many invalid logins and I should wait before trying again. I use 1Password to save my login and it works just fine if I don't have that box che…
Thanks. That works, but it is first necessary to turn off the system-wide shortcut for "show desktop" which is assigned to F11 on macOS.
I can confirm that it works (now) in Brave (when saving locally). I don't know why it wasn't working earlier.
Ah, very useful. Thanks.
Very useful.
This was me under another account adding +1 here so I can follow it on my new account. (Am I really the only one who wants this?)
+1 (for macOS and iOS)
@dstillman Fantastic!
So after experimenting, it seems that the "recently modified" search parameter does not include adding annotations.
I also want to convert manual tags to automatic tags. I have a lot that actually are automatic tags, but they were imported from another app so Zotero treats them as manual tags. It would be great if I could batch convert them to automatic tags. Per…
Ah, thanks.
The one problem I have is that you can't drag an item on to a tag that isn't there, so what you have to do is first de-select everything you had selected, add the tag to one of the items, then re-select all the items you had selected earlier - and t…
Got it. Will make sure to check this next time.
It did not happen with files added from an RSS feed. Instead it named the file "full text." The option in the general preference pane is (and was) turned on. I will keep an eye out to see if it ever happens with items added from the web using the …
And here is a short script (also by emilianoeheyns) to remove all the tags that have a "/" in the name, if you want to clean up your tags after running the script: let tags = await Zotero.Tags.getAll(Zotero.Libraries.userLibraryID); tags = tags.map…
I'd like to thank @emilianoeheyns for helping out. Below is a link to the script, along with some instructions, but first a note: I didn't want non-folder tags to be turned into folders, so this only included items with a "/" in the filename. Since…