



  • Does CrossRef have access to the meta-data for DOIs registered by different registration agencies? The DOIs I'm having trouble with are for documents published by the European Commission and presumably registered by their own registration agency, OP…
  • Correction: CrossRef seems to resolve the DOI above just fine. If I enter the DOI into a Zotero bibliographic record manually and click on the DOI, it goes directly to the right place as well. When I add the PDF to my library and try to retrie…
  • Hi, I can't seem to add DOIs from the European Commission, such as: 10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1806 This resolves fine from dx.doi.org, but Zotero seems to have problems with it. Is this perhaps because the publications of the European Commi…
  • I would totally support that. If however I or anyone else wants to do something with the code that the excellently managed Zotero team is not yet ready for, common courtesy dictates that we should host our efforts someplace else. If someone ma…
  • Thank you! I am also making a case for a large scale roll-out in my organization. Even without implementing our own server, being able to see the code that's running at zotero.org will be helpful for our security people. If for whatever r…
  • That's fair enough. Does anyone know what the timeline is for releasing the sync server code? I think what I'm envisioning could be implemented almost entirely on the server-side. I'd need to write a plug-in or extension to enable the client to…
  • I figured something was in the works, since that seems to be the direction Zotero is moving in, I just wasn't sure if it would force you to make your whole library either private or shared. It's also important to be able to run the server-side…
  • Disregard. Found the problem. As Dan mentioned above, the USB key was full.
  • Hi, Actually, that helps alot. I didn't see that attachments can have their own tags. Now I can assign all the tags from the parent to attachments by dragging and dropping. It's a bit of a pain, but it's possible. What would be useful wou…