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Updated and works perfectly. Thank you very much
Yes 1. deleted Zotero.dotm 2. restarted computer. 3.Reinstall Microsoft Word Add-in from zotero settings Word version: 16.86 (24060916)
Sorry. Yes deleted and confirmed "Zotero.dotm". No zotero buttons seems in word
Thanks for your comment. I tried the above solution. But error still exist. Here is the debug form zotero: Submitted with Debug ID D1927133575 [debug output removed — D.S.]
Old version didn't work either. I must use cmd+shift+X Thank you
Thanks, reseted to 0 error message gone. cmd+shift+C still doesn't works I must use cmd+shift+X
And also there is a error message in Add Ons Manager window: "All add-ons have been disabled by safe mode." It indicates the zoreto runs safe mode. I run regular mode, not cmd+click There must something wrong. I have remove and installed again, bu…
1. Copy Selected Item Citations to Clipboard cmd+shift+A (works) 2. Copy Selected Items to Clipboard cmd+shift+X (changed from C to X, works) 3. Copy Selected Items to Clipboard cmd+shift+C (changed back to C, not working) 4. everytime application r…
Yes: 1. Restart with Logging Enabled... 2. click any title and cmd+shift+C 3. (no reference copied) 4. submit output: D740843820
But how can be? I didn't instal any app or change any key? It occurred just after upgrading
sorry, send new one: D1110559423
send new one: D1110559423
here debug ID send: 529905280
I have checked from WebDAV server side with server admin. He found no problem. I have also provide debug and report Id's and submit error log via zotero. Thank you
Here is debug ID: D245537687 I have also reported the error. Report ID: 1566032073 Thank you very much for your concern
Sorry, you are right, there is no new files synchronized. But I have had tested via a "child note". It has been synchronized both way.
It also gives following error in "error console"": [JavaScript Error: "XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: https://insanbil:***** Line Number 1, Column 1:" {file: "https://insanbil:****…
Thanks. Last option worked
sorry: win 10
It is apprx. 2500 records...