



  • Really I am just thankful to you damnation for all your effort and the time put in to add the style to the library, it will make such a huge difference to my studying so I am eternally grateful for this. Thank you again :) all your hardwork is muc…
  • No, I haven't done that. Being Autistic and possibly dyslexic I would struggle to pick out where differences were, particularly as I am new to referencing as well. My uni tutor told me that 11th edition is very similar to OU Harvard but that's jus…
  • that would be great, I'll private message you with my email address and further details. hopefully, this team effort will help with the details needed.
  • That makes sense. Have you got access to the cite them right website through your university? If so some help in getting screenshots of the latest guidance into a document would be great. I have got as far as finishing the Journals section but I…
  • I have already messaged with one of the people within the forum. The last information posted was generic and didn't provide the changes they needed to make. In fairness, these people are only human and can only add a citation if they know what the…
  • I just wanted to find out if there was any update on this style being added and whether all the changes you needed were provided? It looks like not very much has been said about this on this forum thread for a little while.
  • I am just wondering if the cite them right Harvard 11th Edition style was being added to the available styles within Zotero? This is the style I am expected to use by my university and could lose marks if I use another style or older style instead…