



  • I know I am year late, but thank you @msellhoff for providing a quick solution that restores the functionality of that really useful hack.
  • Agreed. Any update in my medium sized database (1000 references) takes 5-10 seconds to update, often slowing things down even if I click the next field in a reference I am updating. Perhaps a button (with everything preset) to update would be better…
  • Changing all the labels in the .bib file defeats the purpose. I want to be able to export a current bib file from Zotero whenever I added a few references for a paper. In that case I would always overwrite the changes I made in the .bib file before.…
  • I just came across Zotero and must admit I am ready to switch. However, the missing ability to customize the bibtex label is currently holding me back. In all of my papers (with latex, bibtex) I use my own labels and cannot imagine going back and c…