



  • Thanks. I was using it *before* I enrolled - then it stopped working after I enrolled. I've temporarily removed advanced protection (paper due in a couple of weeks!!) but I'll give the workaround a go later.
  • Adding this to the userChrome.css .row{ height: 1.5em !important;} Improves the spacing when an item is highlighted. But I need to find a way to stop the rows from overlapping.
  • If I turn Font Scaling to 1.0 - the text doesn't get cut off. But it is now too small to read. If I increase the font size from 14 to 18, with font scaling 1.0 - it gets cut off at the bottom again.
  • I'm also having this issue. (Ubuntu Wayland, using the Flatpak version of Zotero). My font scaling is set to 1.25, and in Gnome Tweaks my interface font is set to 14. If I reduce the interface font to 12, the clipping goes away - but the text is t…
  • The data coming back from the API is: ``` { "creators": [ { "creatorType": "author", "firstName": "Mar??a Teresa", "lastName": "Lepeley" }, { "creatorType": "author", "firstName": "Nicol??s S", "lastName": "Majluf" } ] } …