



  • @dstillman In general markdown notes software, I often pair it with a picture bed to display images, for example, I capture an image, then will upload the image to the picture bed through Picgo software, it will automatically return to me a markdow…
  • Wow, just tried it and so far all is working fine, thanks!!! Also, I'd still like to ask for some advice, in terms of my own application scenario. As shown below, how can I write the template so that there is a soft carriage return between "tag::…
  • I also encountered this problem, through edge browser zotero plug-in to grab pdf, zotfile is able to automatically rename and move pdf attachments, but through the browser plug-in to grab the page, there is no way to automatically rename, I wonder i…
  • @dstillman debug ID ⇢ D631263550 I encountered a new problem in beta `6.0.6-beta.2+b8d427790`, still about the custom template I used above, in the built-in pdf reader, first open the note editor on the right side, then select a paragraph of text,…
  • I just tested the beta version and found that the problem has been solved and the above mentioned template is working. as for my testing the beta version this morning, the reason for the problem is that I wrote "if tags" instead of "if tag" in the t…
  • You asked me to try the beta at first, so I tried the beta in the morning and it was not working, so I submitted a comment ⇢ But I didn't submit a debug ID at that time because I didn't understand the process, so after that I reinstalled back to the…
  • @dstillman: Here's my debug ID D539938068, and just to be clear, I'm doing this on stable 6.0.5 with the template with tag:: as described above Since this is my first time submitting a debug ID,I don't know if I'm doing it right, so I hope this hel…
  • I Just replaced stable 6.0.5 with beta `6.0.6-beta.2+b8d427790` and tried the code for the template above ⇢ Whether the annotation has a tag added or not, after dragging the annotation into the notes editor, there will be no `tag::` words and their …
  • ① After I updated to zotero 6.0.5 today, using the custom annotations.notetemplate template, when I drag and drop annotation into the note editor, it shows blank, here is the template I use {{if color == '#a28ae5'}} {{highlight}}{{comment}}{{if tag…