



  • Thanks for your comment ipwars. I have found that the AustLII translater works really well for me when capturing cases from the web page, populating all of the medium neutral citation data. It has been a great help to have a translator that auto…
  • Teh translator for AustLII puts the medium neutral citation info in as 'Court' and 'Docket Number' and the AGLC citation script works well with that, if that is the only citation. I have been putting the authorised citation in the 'Reporter' field …
  • Thanks. Will start the long process of dealing with my institution's IT. Regards G
  • I am having the same problem. Can someone please give me a hint as to where to find it on the iPad version of Zotero. If this feature is missing from the iPad version, can you let us know in the Documentation please (and when it might be coming). …
  • Thanks Dan - will hold off posting on this till after the next build - had same problem with JSTOR
  • I agree. Inking is one of the great features of paper ship,
  • Thanks for the great app. Just got an iPad and the app makes it great to use. Can now read attached files and highlight PDFs. Can anyone give me a tip on the simplest method of extracting the highlights in a PDF made on the iPad via zotpad i…
  • Thanks for the app. Just got an iPad and the app makes it great to use. Can now read attached files and highlight PDFs. Can anyone give me a tip on the simplest method of extracting the highlights in a PDF made on the iPad into a note in zotero?
  • I get scans as pdfs, then open them in acrobat to OCR. Once OCR is done, I would like the option of Save To Zotero, as then I can use the Zotero tool to find the biblio data on the internet, before adding my own comments and links. THat is why a s…
  • I used Win XP at home to rename it with the long dash. Work also uses Win XP, so not sure what the difference is to make it fail, although work has tough firewalls. I had to get a hole put in the firwall to use Zotero at work - even with that the …
  • Seems that when my home copy of Zotero changed the file name to the .pdf format it used the long dash that was in the title 'Trusts – What every family lawyer should know' (although for this post the browser has converted the dash to a standard one)…
  • Fantastic idea. I have a large landscape screen capable of showing 2 pages side by side. this would enable a view of the document and the notes panel of Zotero both as letter/A4 side by side. Even if zotero could be dragged to the left or rig…
  • Thanks Dan. There is also a problem with re-naming a file from parent meta data. It usually works, but not with HeinOnline. Thought I should mention it if you are doing a Hein fix. More generally, although the re-naming works outside of …
  • Spoke too soon - problem re-appeared, however deleting the URL does seem to have fixed it. In case there is something in the URL that is a problem for Zotero, I have added a few examples for you. ----------------------------------------------------…
  • I think I have found the problem. All of them had dates that were in the format '2003-2004'. this was inserted by the translator. changing this to a single year, eg '2003' fixes the problem. The code may need to be changed to restrict the date…
  • found a group of items, all last modified on 17 october 2009 falling between 07:40:00 to 07:50:00. deleting them works, but duplicating doesn't help. restoring from trash recreates the problem.
  • thanks for the speedy response Dan. Deleted the files, but problem remains. Sent annother error report, Number 434318733. Have been to Preferences and clicked 'Check Database Integrity', but it said no errors were found. A report on the parent f…
  • After yet annother re-start of firefox, the error has changed. Error ID generated by program is: 1652893910 Error produced by right-click and choosing ot generate a report form one particular folder of collection. Error no longer produces seperat…
  • Hi Dale, I have done a quick fix for the problem you have, see post above. Basically, the current translator fails as Austlii have changed their url for when you do a search, since the first translator was done. If you are on version 2 I can se…
  • Have done an update of the translator as it was failing with cases located using the search engine. The part of the regular expression \/cgi-bin\.disp\.pl needs to be cgi-bin\.sinodisp now. have put changes on google code page. what do I need to…
  • If you could save to a file on an internet server it would mean you could work from anywhere, and keep the file on a professionally backed up server.
  • the terms 'opinion' and 'dissent' are very much a part of US culture, but elsewhere the nomenclature is different. In Australia, the hierachy would, if real details of structure were desired, probably be like this: 1. Legal Document 1.1 Judg…
  • Whilst 1 or three is most common, there can be up to 7 judges in Aust. I think it would need to accommodate up to 9 in some countries. I suspect that a 'Jurisdiction' field would also help most lawyers. For example, in the US and Aust there i…
  • Looks great Bill. Fantasic work. Have you heard from Sean about whether the fields might be altered to include the judge name and more appropriately provide for legal materials? regards Grieth
  • I agree. The only pattern to finding the judge name is that is usually is to the right of certain words like Judge, judges or coram - but not always. I noticed that a lot of times this is in a table format as well. I think your right that the …
  • Bill, I tried simply adding int postion = austliiRegexp.indexOf("?"); If (position>1){ austliiRegexp = austliiRegexp.substring(0,position); } at some apparently strategic points, but couldn't get the translator to work. Is i…
  • thanks Bill. Looking forward to seeing the next version. I think judge's name as 'contributor' (whatever that is meant to mean) is better than in the notes section - while there is no 'judge' field. How does anyone develop a schema that has n…
  • Bill, Great work. I have found a small problem. When using the AustLII search engine, the resulting links are in this form:…
  • Thanks Bill. this looks fantastic. I will start trying to get on top of it.
  • bill, That would be great. The site is It has almost all Aust cases. The main ones I use are High Court, Federal and Family Courts, and Federal Magistrates Court. Some examples Full Federal Court eg Shi v Migr…
    in FindLaw Comment by grieth May 3, 2007