



  • Thanks again so much, and apologies if I've failed to follow instructions already available (but I don't recall seeing anything so clear as this). Yep, this works great now.
  • I celebrated a bit too soon With the new version, I can now convert the markers to live correctly formatted fields, and generate a bibliography, but only when ticking the 'Reference' option in the Libreoffice zotero preferences. If I click 'Bookmar…
  • @adamsmith thanks so much for the speedy response - yep, the latest version makes it work. Having been pulled in by the promise of Scrivener for writing, and invested a good bit of time to shifting a project into it, I'm so relieved to have a functi…
  • Thanks so much for putting this together. But its not working as I expect. I've followed the instructions as best I can. This gets me as far as opening an .odt in Libreoffice with correctly formatted citations. However, as soon as I try to get zote…