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Sorry for my late reply @tim820, but the question is indeed "whether it's worth the effort..." With 35k articles to process.... Edit01: Is this a work around, just labelling the part that I am working on? As in, if I label all articles of collectio…
Is there a way to do this above?
Well, I have been there with Zotero 6 too, to do this with 73k items, four hours a day, for several months. I had to do this for my Integrative Review (similar to a Systematic Review), but I survived it... Aka, it is painstakingly doable...
Thanks both for the answer and quick response.
An alternative for people in the Academic world that I use, is Browzine from Thirdiron. It is available for both the phone (app) and computer (webapp). It is just a digital Journal reader, thus not a RSS reader. When you connect your Academic accou…
Is this possible to solve in the upcoming Zotero 7.0.X?
Is this possible to solve in the upcoming Zotero 7.0.X?
@adamsmith, it seems that this is precisely my point: LO recognise the url _after_ adding a space. Is there a way to have the url automatically without adding the space? Aka, is this a Zotero thing or a LO thing to solve?
For example, those who do not use Zotero, and for cleaning a lot of tags. The last is what I am doing right now. I know there is a difference between automatic (orange) and manual (blue) tags, thus/but I am cleaning the manual (blue) tags. Meanwhile…
A work around, nice @triple5 . I will give it a try next time I do a clean install.
Thanks @adamsmith
Thanks @adamsmith
Thanks for both, @johnmy
Thanks for your quick reply. As I have special drive for Zotero and use Zotfile to attach a file to an item and/or rename a file, then I have a lot of linked files that belong to a deleted item. What is the best way to delete these 'item-less' f…
Thanks, and I will do so.
Hum weird, because when I select the file of a parent item, and drag it to Thunderbird and release my left mouse when the hand is in the attachment box, no files are attached. But 1) I am using a older version of Zotero (5.0.96) and 2) the drag/drop…
Sorry for this delayed reply. On an email client: It seems that with Thunderbird 78.8.1 does 'work' a bit with Zotero. When I drag an parent item from Zotero into Thunderbird, I see the correct reference, but the file is not attached to that email.…
Thanks again for this quick reply. In case I got stuck somewhere with Zotero, I will update it before I ask something.
Thanks again for your reply. TL;DR: Because an auto update it out of the question (for now), I would like to deselect the option to look for an update, because I prefer to look it up by myself. As in, to get that reminder each time I use Zotero, be…
Thanks for your quick reply, @adamsmith So, the tarball does not include a standardized way to update itself? Not complaining, just wondering. Then, is there a way to change the settings, so that Zotero stops looking for an update? I have not fou…
Hum, then what I did whas right, right? But I still have no icon in the menus. I did the following to try to get a launcher in the start menu, but with no positive result: computer:~$ cd /opt/zotero computer:/opt/zotero$ bash set_launcher_icon /op…
My bad, I thought I have the files/attachments stored with Zotero, but it was with Zotfile. Re-moved everything to the new disk and voila... I was indeed looking in the wrong place... And ~/Zotero/files was indeed a directory that exists on my disk…
Thanks @dstillermann, iff I am "not comfortable on the command line", then I would stay with Windows. But here I am on Linux and hoping to learn how to use the command line properly. Thus I would like to ask again, "how do I successful run the set…
Thanks for your reactions, sorry for this quit late response.
Thanks, I have asked this question too at the forum of CSL: https://discourse.citationstyles.org/t/non-techy-tries-to-create-a-csl/1719 I think it is best keep my questions there, and to post some interesting updates here too.
I have asked it on Github, see #237 https://github.com/citation-style-language/csl-editor/issues/237
That sounds interesting, to set it up locally. I know this is just a Zotero forum, but any suggestion how to proceed on to run it locally?
Thanks @bwiernik, it seems that I did check the forum, but not the documentation. Thanks @damnation, especially using a chromium based browser, but I hope I have enough with 32gb. But any suggestion which app and extension to use? I prefer the cli…