



  • "Lol don’t be sorry because you’re not" should've been "Lol don't be sorry because you should NOT be". I apologize. I do stand by the "half-performant" part, but Zotero isn't exactly a power-/memory-intensive app anyway, so even if it is half-perfor…
  • Lol don’t be sorry because you should NOT be. And yes, that’s fine… as long as you’re happy with shipping a half-performant app… but that still works totally fine for all practical purposes imo :) As I said, I mainly use the iPad app and that’s bee…
  • @joaofrgomes thanks for your thoughts on this and I appreciate you taking the time to add more context. Here's the thing though: Zotero already provides iPad and iPhone apps (I think they share the same basic code?) and I personally really like the…
  • @dstillman, sure it is not a replacement. If it is easy enough though (as Apple makes it sound to be like an on/off switch), you can call it Zotero-Lite or Zotero-Mobile or something like that and release it. I think many users use Zotero as a defau…
  • @dstillman any consideration of simply porting the iPad app to MacOS via Catalyst? (Excellent app btw, even though it is still technically in testing! They recently released TestFlight for Mac as well...)