



  • Thanks for the clarification. However, this might apply outside of plugins - I've adapted a custom translator written in Javascript for quick-copying a markdown link to the pdf via open-pdf endpoint and it uses Zotero.nextItem().key for the unique i…
  • Upon further experimentation, the links work if I export them using Zotero 6's new method with annotations and page numbers. But I cannot generate the same link on my own, as the item ID is incorrect if I do it this way (with, for example, BetterBib…
  • The zotero://open-pdf doesn't do anything for me on Zotero 6.0.2 either, nor has it worked on previous versions. It just makes Zotero active. I'd also prefer that I could call open-pdf on a web page (HTML) and have it just open in the web browser th…
  • I'm interested in this same workflow. Although I'd be even more interested if there were a setting to just automatically have the annotations be exported into a note, and automatically updated when I add additional annotations. I also really like …
  • I'm really excited for this feature. What I would love is a way to automatically export the PDF annotations to markdown whenever an annotation is added/removed, and update the MD file of these annotations wherever it is saved without affecting links…