



  • Yes, indeed. For me same behaviour is shown when right-clicking bookmarks in the organize bookmarks window. So it seems as there is something wrong with firefox/iceweasel.
  • Hm. Can confirm this running 1.5b2 under Debian GNU/Linux "Squeeze" (aka Testing) with Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; de; rv: Gecko/2009030814 Iceweasel/3.0.7 (Debian-3.0.7-1) Clicked random entries in my collec…
  • Tried to replicate this error but without success: Ran an search query on Ebscohost, opened article inplace and hit the "Save to Zotero (EBSCOhost)" icon in the url bar. The article was saved without erros in my library, whereas the pdf file for the…
  • Same problem with Zotero 1.5beta1 here while directly accessing the mentioned journal (i.e.: no proxy but a library's subscription). If I klick the folder symbol Zotero brings up the window to select items to save and complains about not beeing able…
  • Happy new year and tanks for the quick fix. Modifying zotero.js as mentioned by Dan fixes the issue for me.