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- Freemat
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Thank your for the great job !
You're amazing. Thank you !
That would be super great !
J'ai testé les deux méthodes sans succès. Avec et Je tenais à faire remonter que le bug semble subsister (avec la police calibri dans mon cas). Je ne suis pas handicapé personnellement, utilisant le plus souvent la police gentium qui ne pose pa…
Le même problème de carrés à la place du tiret, pour les séparateurs de pages dans la bibliographie, selon les polices, se présente à moi. Mon installation est toute fraiche: win 10 / word 2007 / Zotero 4.0 / word plugin 3.5.2
You're right. It's working. I deleted the style, closed Zotero, re-installed the style, and now it's working fine ! That means I did it ! Incredible ! ;) Thank you for your support !
I modified an existing style. Here is the modified file for the short-title function. edit: url
Thanks. Here is what I tried. 1) I added the macro title-short. 2) I tried to use . …
Sorry. My file was localized in english. I had "january", but wanted "janvier". I did a batch of tests, it's now working fine, inserting default-locale="fr-FR" is enough (no need to to include the entire locale file !). Thank you !
Thanks adamsmith. I tried this way because I had issues with the translation of the date (janvier instead of january, etc). So I tried to override the default locale. I have to check that default locale file. Where is the default-locale fr-FR …
How ! And when I install the style, the zotero style manager prompt that my style is not a valid 1.0.1 csl style. :weird:
D'accord ! Je comprends mieux. Merci beaucoup pour cette réponse. Et du coup, en attendant cette release, comment faites-vous pour "bricoler" vos "sous dir." ?
Bonjour à tous, je me permets d'intervenir sur ce fil pour poser ma question: est-ce que le champ "editorial-director" est finalement opérationnel avec csl 1.0 ? J'ai lu dans la documentation que c'était le cas.…
Thanks a lot. I will give a look at this.
Hi, the style is: INTER Romanian Institute for Inter-Confessional and Inter-Religious Studies. I fixed my issue by deleting all the text in my document (I started to work from an old paper made with zotero 2.1). It seems to work now.