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I create symlink manually: [Desktop Entry] Name=Zotero Exec=bash -c "/opt/zotero/zotero -url %U" Icon=/opt/zotero/icons/icon128.png Type=Application Terminal=false Categories=Office; MimeType=text/plain;x-scheme-handler/zotero;application/x-research…
Thanks a lot. It's solved! I download tar.gz file from zotero website and extract it in /opt/zotero. I create Symlink in ~/.local/share/applications/zotero.desktop. Also I install libreoffice-java-common (sudo apt install libreoffice-java-common) f…
I manually install jdk-22_linux-x64_bin.deb and openjdk from repos but nothing changed. “Use a Java runtime environment” is checked but nothing in the list below and I can't select any folder for that.
I have the same issue. How can I sove this?