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- tim820
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Just be sure you don't have any "linked" attachment files (ie attachments stored elsewhere on your computer). If you did, they would have to be separately copied off the computer, and then copied back to it after the new OS installation (to the same…
With the Group strategy, if one of your staff wanted to also create a personal library, they would not be covered by the Group owner's 2GB. They would only have 300mb free file syncing for the personal library (of course anyone can store as many fil…
You could do it with tags, as long as the number of collections doesn't make that too tedious. 1. Make sure you have View\Show Items from Subcollections turned OFF. 2. Create a tag with each collection's name. 3. Step through each collection, selec…
In the desktop app, you can use this plugin: https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-open-pdf
The ethereal style plugin added collection favourites recently in v5.4.5. https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-style/releases
They are automatic backups. You should not delete them unless you have a very robust alternative backup scheme. And Zotero will just recreate them anyway, unless you set the hidden preference that tells it not to. https://www.zotero.org/support/zote…
I use a child note too. I list any people relevant to the item who may or may not have been mentioned in the item's searchable fields or text content. In your case you could add the text "Recommended by:" (name). If that name text is in the first l…
It's "Settings" in v7.
You can also make it easier to open a PDF in another reader with that capability from within Zotero with this plugin .... https://github.com/retorquere/zotero-open-pdf
Re your question, Zotmoov does most of what Zotfile did (including recently adding Send/Get from Tablet). Zotero doesn't do much of that same work. Zotmoov (or attanger) is thus still very useful to automate a linked file strategy. So you're effecti…
Edit: Duplicate solution posted at the same time ...;) I have never used zotlink, but I see it works alongside Zotfile (which no longer works in Zotero v7; replaced by Zotmoov or attanger). Which presumably means that your PDFs are "linked" files…
The location move (by Zotmoov) is only automatic for future, new PDFs downloaded by the Zotero web connector. You seemed to be asking about changing your "move to" directory and getting *existing* linked files moved to that different folder. That ha…
Correct. Explained here: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/458124/#Comment_458124
Zotmoov replicates Zotfile's rename/move behaviour for linked attachment file titles, making the file title match the file name.
No, they won't be moved automatically. Edit: That means *existing* linked PDFs. New PDFs downloaded by the Zotero web connector will be moved automatically to the new "move to" folder location. Edit: If you want to move those existing linked PDFs …
Firstly, for clarity, by "Base directory" I assume you mean Zotero's "Linked Attachment Base Directory" (LABD). Don't confuse the meaning of that. While it might have been set to the same folder as the Zotfile "Custom Location" (Zotmoov "move to") f…
Zotmoov or attanger replace Zotfile in Zotero v7. As long as Zotero can still locate your PDFs when you try to open them (either from local storage under Zotero\storage, or as linked PDFs elsewhere on your computer), Zotmoov should be able to move …
Issues with a plugin should be referred to the developer. https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/zotero-ocr
Zotfile was not updated for Zotero v7. Use Zotmoov or attanger instead.
The linked PDFs complicate things a little, depending on how spread across your computer they are. Linked attachment files are easiest to manage if they are in single OS folder. You *can* maintain a folder hierarchy of linked PDFs, but that can get …
Option A is syncing. If you can't do that then you use Option B. Were all your PDF attachment files in the standard local storage (under Zotero\storage) ? Or were you using linked PDFs ?
The message simply means that the named PDF is not at the listed location where Zotero thinks it should be (where it was when it was originally added to Zotero). If you look at that location in Google Drive, is that PDF file actually there ? If not,…
It sounds like you have created linked PDF attachments in your Downloads folder. Linked files don't get synced online to Zotero servers, so they don't work in the web library, or the mobile apps, or with Groups. The differences between "stored" atta…
I think I'm right in saying that the only way would be for your colleague to create a (private) Group with the cited references in it. And then invite you to become a member. If the cited items are currently in your colleague's personal library rat…
I agree it should be an option. If you are using Zotmoov or attanger as Zotfile replacements in v7, I believe both preserve the original Zotfile behaviour of making the title match the file name. And Zotmoov gives you the option to use the Zotero "…
When you click on an annotation in the left annotations panel of the PDF reader in the desktop app, it does jump to that annotation in the PDF.
See https://www.zotero.org/support/kb/files_not_syncing
So you want to attach a folder not a single file ? You can't attach a folder to an item. The best you could do would be to put the path to the folder in a child note. That first text line in the note, with the path, would then be shown in the main …
Do you mean that the Add-ons (Plugins) menu is not there/does not open from the Tools menu ? If so, restart your computer (or look in Task Manager for a zotero process that persists after closing the program, and kill it).
If you mean in a final Word document with citations and bibliography, there is a Word macro to create those links (for common citation styles) ... https://github.com/altairwei/ZoteroLinkCitation