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- superheldinnr1
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Great, thanks. I think this website is also helpful: I set it to "sort-only" instead of "never", so that to my understanding the name will appear under "S" instead of "V" i…
Would be still be grateful, if someone could look at it :)
Perfect, it works now. Thank you!
Thanks. However I get "ReferenceError: save_tabs_to_selected_collection is not defined" in the field Return Value and I can`t see the tabs saved anywhere
Thanks for your help. As I am really totally a newbie into coding and adjusting my Zotero: Could you further explain "To load/store tabs groups you can clear developer console and call one of the functions you've just defined eg: `save_tabs_to_selec…
Thank for the script. I followed your instructions on github. However, in the field Return value I get ===>undefined
Anything new on that? Would also be important for me. And I am pretty sure it used to work to enter protected space. On my Mac it was Shift + fn + blank.
Anything new on that topic? To use the annotation tool for bookmarks is not that helpful in my opinion, as you can't annotate anything else without getting confused or you have to look for those annotations which are used as bookmarks between all th…
Thats what I have done already. Doesn't work...
Okay, done. See above.
Bundesgesetztblatt habe ich als Gesetz eingetragen. Auf Englisch Statute und bei Code dann BGBl. I/II eingtragen und im Code entsprechend vorgesehen, dass dieses Feld in den Fußnoten zitiert wird. Letzteres kam bis jetzt noch nicht vor.
Same here. Already valdiated it and no errors were found. Also deleted all my other styles via the preferences. Glad i could keep the one I want to reinstall, as I wasn´t aware, that all the files from the styles folder will also be deleted :D Anywa…
Yes, please! Bookmarks would be very helpful, especially in long documents!
Same problem here. Delted the file mentioned by @stroom. I also followed the trouble shooting regarding the plugin by looking for the zotero.dotm file in the word auto startup folder, which is there. Any idea how to get rid of that warning? As i hav…
Thank you so much @dvanoni ! Exactly what I was looking for! However, I can`t download the .xpi file from GitHub. None of the versions. I receive an error message saying the add on can`t be downloaded because it seems to be damaged. Is there any pro…
Vielen Dank! Ich glaube, ich meine etwas anderes: Die Möglicheit an sich, dass als locator S., Para. usw. angegeben werden kann, enthält der Stüber Zitierstil auch (Wenn ich das richtig sehe, ist es dort als Macro eingebaut). Ich möchte jedoch eine …
Ich würde diese Funktion, dass man auch Rn. statt S. auswählen kann auch gerne in meine Zotero-Version des Stüber Zitierstils integrieren. Leider finde ich die entsprechende Stelle, wo das hinterlegt ist im Code vom Mohr-Siebeck Zitierstil nicht. Ka…
Has anyone found a solution to the problem of commantaries, as @Blackhole1 describes it? That when you enter a paragraph of a commentary as an encyclopedia entry, only one publication appears in the bibliography with the editors (not the authors)?
@Feldrueben Hast Du Deine Bibliography mittlerweile überarbeitet? Ich trage die vom jeweiligen Bearbeiter geschriebenen Beiträge in den Kommentaren als Enzyklopädie-Artikel in Zotero ein. Dadurch werden sie aber leider auch unter den Namen der Herau…