


  • I see. OK, thanks!
  • I'm having the same issue. What's strange is initially it worked fine when I set it up on my first computer and it uploaded all my attachments to the zotero folder on box.net. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but initially there was no…
  • You're right, I misunderstood. In all the threads I'd looked at about syncing, I actually didn't notice anything about the Storage folder (as opposed to the main library folder). But after reading your responses I found this thread: http://forums.zo…
  • No, I don't want to mirror my storage folder or sync my storage folder. I COULD do that, but as Zotero isn't setup to deal with the potential conflicts that could occur if you don't make sure only one instance is ever running, it seems dangerous. …
  • That's unfortunate, but thanks for the info.
  • Thanks. That's good to know. I'm only interested in sharing reference libraries and pdfs with my collaborators, so closed groups is perfect. However, is there any form of conflict management if 2 people in a group both make modifications to a …
  • So can you even export a Zotero library as an Endnote library or is that not possible either? Without some way of going and back and forth I'd need to get everyone to switch, and I frankly don't see that as likely. I'd rather not shell out another $…