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Thank you for pointing to those docs. I think maybe you mis-understood. I want convert "Traité de documentation : le livre sur le livre, théorie et pratique" to "Traité de Documentation: Le Livre Sur le Livre, Théorie et Pratique".
WRGT the kinds of dictionaries:: Today I cited: SAA Dictionary of Archival Terminology and Encyclopedia of Knowledge Organization. and When saved as a dicti…
@nhan000 I have several workflows where I manage project type, project, and then project component. I move things through a pipeline related to my publication schedule. Often project component aligns with a topic or keyword -- but not always. htt…
For me, Make book section from a book is a life line
Thank you for mentioning the uninstall/delete and re-install option. That worked for me. I couldn't access any database options. -- Resolved
I think the technical way to add this in CSL would be to add IDs to contributors and then downstream tools could do text formatting based on IDs. Adding IDs allows styles to provide semantic links for contributors such as ORCID. With regards to CSL …
I am beginning to develop strong negative feelings over current behavior (in opposition to agnostic ones... ) But I do want to know that an OA version of the work is available... Last night I was importing a DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2463-3.ch026 fr…
As a point of user experience, should the user be prompted when the imported PDF is not VOR to allow the user to decide if they want to use the manuscript type or the pre-print type?
Thanks for pointing out that there is an upstream cross-file data link declaration. (One PDF is declared to be equivalent to another...) Which sources does Zotero rely on? and where is this in the code base?
Thanks @adamsmith Yes. I was getting this issue mixed up with my other question here.
If I'm not mistaken, within your Zotero bibliography, you might want different Zotero record for each language-document pair a reference is used within. For example, if I had a publication titled: "My great thesis" in English I would not necessarily…
@adamsmith Re: 1: Thanks for pointing out that there is an upstream cross-file data link declaration. (One PDF is declared to be equivalent to another...) Which sources does Zotero rely on? and where is this in the code base?
I'm not sure where the assumption comes from that the prefered option is to import via springerlink/conference paper. If one has the DOI in the Zotero app then that would be the fastest way to import. Note that the conference paper import method doe…
Sorry the DOI qualification was in the post title.
@poettli If you import from the webpage with springerlink it imports as a conference paper. But with the DOI import it comes in as a book section. I'm specifically talking about the DOI import method.
I'm not fully understanding what 'based on a site-sent content type' means. Does that also affect MODS retrieval via UnAPI?
@juliakeelerpeck If I understand @ptornielli he suggest you might be able to use a valid item type of an obscure item within the kinds of things you typically reference. You can still use the same item type fields within Zotero but then in the extra…
Thank you!
Thanks, To clarify, are you saying that anything in the extra field gets concatenated in apa7th? There is no specific CSL variable to invoke? In my *not* apa manual example I also have a DOI for the book.
I mentioned this and then forgot to post the related Zotero-RDF and MODS exported files... They can be seen at the github gist here: There are two MODS exports and their associated Zote…
@stanrhodes and @sdspieg I'm also looking at literature this way (well I'm only looking at linguistics and related fields) and would be interested in this R script if possible.
Are you talking about this one:
Oh, never mind.... the unAPI/MODS import is importing the names with commas but not splitting the name field. So they look like corporate names.
@bwiernik Thank you for this clarification. I know we have chatted on other threads about language codes, and this is helpful advice. It is my understanding that the hyphen is used in BCP47, while the underscore is used in Unicode locales. See::: ht…
@adamsmith Thank you for the pointer to I am aware of that project and involved with that community. However, how Zotero interprets that information is still undefined. In some cases it appears that there is not 100% defined overlap betw…
@jcmeunier It seems that you are talking about using the text conversion within the Zotero interface, not the outputs of Zotero's content via a style sheet. I just want to confirm that that is the case. CSL does not capitalize "so" in output see: h…
Thank you that is really helpful.
Thank you. Is there a description page or tutorial, or youtube video on how to use scaffold? I've seen it talked about on the dev list but I don't know how to access it or use it.
@adamsmith I think this is what I was looking for in the CSL 1.0.2 spec: : The CSL XML namespace URI is "". The namespace pref…
Awe, that's sad.... maybe I should make my own namespace... do you think the CSL team would be open to hosting a dereferencable namespace on their domain? I could ask on their forums, but if it is not their thing, then no use. BTW: the zotero name …