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thanks aborel. I did look there, and it seems like radio silence after 2023 so Ill try but I'm not hopeful.
Is this plugin still being developed and maintained. Im having a few issues despite reading the original post on MobileRead. How can I completely start over and erase all preferences and cache memory of books imported using a CSV file.... I deleted …
thanks poettli
thanks aborel .... im assuming the Zotero OCR plugin is the one that requires a homebrew installation of tesserac?
Hello @dstillman, a couple of years ago you said we are working to make choosing the default PDF posssible..... any update? Is the manual method simply to create the record again and then add the desired pdf in first?
Thanks martynas_b, I was not aware that Preview could do (or does) OCR on the fly, as there are certain PDFs with text (or text images) that Preview cannot copy and paste as text directly. Is this Preview by default or are you talking about the ge…
If this is not a feasible feature request, can the developers let me know. I was just curious if something like this is on the horizon at all?
Aside from the existing YouTube tutorials (Danny Hatcher etc) is there a good comprehensive guide out there?? Anyone?
Out of curiosity will these include any custom fields? Or the ability to repurpose existing fields for other types?
+1 yes a simple toggle to collapse or hide unused fields so some other tab (like the attachment) can be visible without the need to scroll
or possibly draw from Calibre's open source implementation of this feature?
Is this feature possible now in Zotero 7 (change default PDF)? If not will PDF kit work with Zotero 7
or more simply like this?
Yaaay !
@dstillman: "Being able to change the order is planned, but we'll also be providing a way for BBT to just create an item field at the top instead of a whole section." Is this a way to add custom fields to a particular item type?
A quick question in relation to this future update for importing Apple Pubs... will it also import the existing highlights. Thats one issue Im trying to figure out, how to get all the annotations and highlights from Apple Books into Zotero (and ulti…
** I asked this same question in my original post, so feel free to ignore it here ** A quick question in relation to this future update for importing Apple Pubs... will it also import the existing highlights. Thats one issue Im trying to figure out…
doh !!! thanks
I did try to zip ("compress" the file from the apple menu) and then copy that into Zotero after removing the .zip extension and changing it to .epub but that didn't seem to work as the imported file was not opening up.... in either Zotero or Books
Thanks for this... can I ask for clarification/guidance What do I use to create a zip? Any recommended apps? So I create a zip for the Books folder content (all 1000+ books) Or do I have to do this for each book, treating each Book in the Books fold…
ok great thanks.... is there a clear guide on how to set the Zotero Integration up with Obsidian?
ok I just figured it out... the import annotations option only shows up when you open the pdf in a tab, not a separate window! And not if you select the pdf from the main library view... Thanks I
same thing when I open the PDF viewer in Zotero... no import annotations in the file menu
All plugins disable.... Im using Zotero 7.0.0-beta.68 OS X Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71)
the redesign is wonderful... and faster ... if you could add options for a few custom fields and possibly (like Calibre) allow for the import of book covers (cover art) and have a flow or grid view, that would be fantastic
yes... I dont see this in Zotero 7 in either the PDF reader mode or when viewing the library
As the post from almost 15 YEARS AGO suggested iTunes, Calibre can do this (so can Bookends) Any chance of implementing a Cover Flow view (and cover grid) which can display the cover images of a book PDF ... (or even better fetch them with the opt…
+1 Some custom fields, would be amazing and super helpful. It's one of the main limitations of Zotero thus far (for me) .... and a Cover Flow or Cover/PDF Grid view.