



  • Since the characters/citations is not an issue with the beta connector, I took your suggestion to cut out text without citations (just in a lot of little chunks) and it was able to make that first pass! Thanks so much!
  • Okay. If it's a character/citation issue, I'm never going to get it to work... I have attempted to refresh at least 10 times. I guess I have to make the switch to word. Thank you for your help. One more question - I am almost out of space and I want…
  • Yes, citations update (but change to (1) since I do not have it set to automatically refresh with each citation). No, I am not using any other Google Docs plugins. I have tried copying and pasting, but it seems to unlink my citations (this would b…
  • I tried that and got this error: Zotero experienced an error updating your document. Document update for batch size 1 failed with error Too many changes applied before saving document. Please save changes in smaller batches using Document.saveAndC…