



  • So I was able to go to Tools → Scan BibTex/Markdown file for References and point Zotero (or BetterBiBTex) to the markdown file location. After that, Zotero displayed a popup box where I had to type a name for the Tag. I was then able to search/fi…
  • Just wanted to add to emilianoeheyns comment. The new version of Zotero does not create a collection---it creates a tag. You'll need to search for a tag and that'll display all the citations which you can just select and export as a .bib file.
  • @ingewertwijn So I found a workaround to extract color annotations. A zotfile version is currently compatible with Zotero 6. If you visit Obsidian Discord and navigate to Academia, you should be able to see the pinned message with a Zotfile that's c…
  • Thank you! Just a quick follow up question: Is it possible for me to download and point to Zotero to that location? Will everything work fine just in case?
  • Stumbled on this because I'm using Okular and created a bunch of Inline Notes. Is there a way to convert these annotations to regular annotations? I tried Save As pdf but it didn't work.
  • > I can visit https://webdav.4shared.com in a browser with VPN turned off, in which case I get prompted for username and password, but then receive a dead end message: Method Not Implemented I've been getting this message for sometime…