



  • Okay well it's pretty clear that the problem arises when fonts are NOT embedded. All my pdfs render fine when fonts are embedded. But when they are not embedded, the zotero pdf viewer replaces them all with a single weird font, resulting in lots of …
  • I didn't modify the configuration, that field is set to 1 for me. Here is a screenshot showing incorrectly rendered fonts in zotero, next to correct fonts in chrome:
  • Here's an example: I am running 6.0.13 on xubuntu and the font is still wrong. Please note there are thousands of papers formatted like this--it's the default format produ…
  • This seems to be fixed. I received a message that it couldn't update because my user account did not have write permissions. I changed the permissions as suggested, then the update was installed just fine. So adding this message solves the problem.
  • I don't think so. University... but no restrictions that I've noticed in other contexts.
  • Yes, I see what you're saying. I am going to try adjusting my workflow to accommodate the limitations of metadata retrieval.
  • Thanks again for your feedback. You're right, the ones that come from CrossRef are pretty good, the only weakness is the journal name abbreviation which is usually not correct on those. Are you sure you're not underestimating the importance of …
  • Thanks for your quick and informative response. I do realize the problem is with the quality of the data in google scholar, not with how zotero scrapes it (because the scraping of pubmed is essentially perfect, or at least, I haven't noticed an…