



  • @bwiernik I can't find the word "mandatory" in the your link to the blog. However, in this link , which is the APA's official website rather than a personal blog, they do write "We recommend that .…
  • @DWL-SDCA Yes, there are advantages for using the doi like you mentioned. like "single identifier", "easy to direct". But there are also disadvantages, like it "takes place on paper" and it "relies too much on a single website (". I think we…
  • BTW, DOI cost money. It reads on their website "2. How much does it cost to get a DOI and use the DOI system? The cost of registering new DOI names depends on the services you purchase. Contact a DOI Registration Agency to discuss your options." It …
  • @adamsmith Firstly, I don't care who are you but you can't represent everyone by using "We can't". I'm asking for anyone who "can" help to make me one. If you don't have the skills needed to help, you don't need to answer. Secondly, you are trying …
  • Can someone upload a version for the APA 6th style without DOI? I still need the issues just want to get rid of the DOI, because my teacher like this. I think my teacher doesn't care about "uniquely identifies citation tracking", but cares more abou…