



  • Wonderful to hear. Thank you!
  • I agree, I would love this feature. In my view, tags should work like MeSH terms, where there is nesting within vertical hierarchies, but also crossover between horizontal hierarchical trees -- i.e. so that a tag can be in two hierarchies simultane…
  • I see your points, and I see the threads with the complaint of false positives, but my understanding of those threads as a user is actually different. I don't think the number of threads requesting non-duplicate marking is representative of the tot…
  • Thank you for the quick reply! I will use recursive collections, I had no idea about that hidden menu. Zotero is a great product (I wouldn't be writing this if I weren't committed to it!), but I still think the functionality might be improved with…
  • It seems to me that the primary argument against automatic merging of potential duplicates (or not adding duplicates to a library) is based on edge cases. In reality, I don't think there are very many occasions in which an algorithm would not outpe…