



  • I take advantage of your kindness here to ask one more question... if I stop syncing "stored" files what is going to happen to these files? Do I just see them only on one computer? Is that all or they also need to be saved locally to my laptop to be…
  • Do you mean for "file syncing" the saving of linked documents on the storage? pdfs mainly in my case? I can sync for free only metadata but not files?
  • That's what I imagined. I was hoping that there was a file extension/type that could possibly save this metadata even outside Zotero (keeping the division in collections) to then later re-upload them on the platform. Yes maybe I should just stop sy…
  • I backed up already my data, but it saves them in random folders. I would like to save the library with all the folders and subfolders as they appear in Zotero. I am doing this because I reached 60 GB of storage and now I don't want to upgrade the …