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- timpaul
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Nice! Thanks @aborel
Thanks @poettli
Thanks @poetti I've found the option to set the 'stand alone' note language --> https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u4588823/kc4qspfas6vqv8vdmon6.jpg Comment 432668 that your pasted in your message idicates that the annotation edi…
I should have checked this first; the spelling of 'localised' (for example) is marked as an error even in standalone notes, too. In US it's with a 'z' (localized) but in Australia (and GB) it's with an 's' (localised). Perhaps I have to install a di…
Thanks very much, team. 7.0.9 does fix the focus isssue described above. Really appreciate your work!
Yes, that's right. Thanks very much, @martynas_b, stellar stuff!
Thanks very much, development team. This bug looks to be fixed in 7.0.8
Cheers, @martynas_b
This issue may be the same as: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/118567/arrow-keys-home-and-end-keys-work-inconsistently-while-typing-notes-in-pdf-files#latest https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/118553/annotation-text-and-comment-fields-lose-f…
Might be related to https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/118552/navigating-annotation-text-wierd-result-is-it-local-or-do-other-see-the-same-behaviour#latest ??
Oops, I posted in Nathan's thread, not mine. Sorry about that
I notice, in addition, the delete key doesn't delete (for example) a space between two words in an annotation text, but the entire annotation text
I guess it's not me then https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/118552/navigating-annotation-text-wierd-result-is-it-local-or-do-other-see-the-same-behaviour#latest
@martynas_b Thank you!
Thanks very much for the reply, @martynas_b
Thank you @dstillman
I notice the "Related" property isn't part of the Android experience. As I use this to build and maintain relationships between books and book chapters I find it very useful. It would be great if it could be added to the development plans at some po…
I use OneNote and used to use it more heavily. Since Microsoft axed the desktop version (https://rcpmag.com/articles/2018/04/19/onenote-desktop-app-sunset.aspx) and reinstated it (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/frequently-asked-questions…
Ah, Thanks Dan.
I can do a screen recording if it's useful @dstillman? I'd prefer to post it privatley, tho
@dstillman on Zotero 6.0.36 1) click> Add Note from four icons at top of open PDF. https://s3.amazonaws.com/zotero.org/images/forums/u4588823/dqq97674rlgobhlxf01b.png 2) Click location on pdf to put note 3) Write in the note 5) Click on note ic…
Oh, that's really interesting. Thank you for checking @arggem. I'm on 6.0.36
Nothing in the bin Give it a try yourself. Add a note. Delete it. Try and recover. You may get a different result which would point to something local to my environment.
More on sync issues described above. Signing out of my Zotero account on Android and resigning in seems to reset the sync index. My libraries are now aligned. Interestingly, I downloaded a marked up PDF to Android but later, on Windows added to the…
Further to the sync issue reported above, I have 189 items in my library on Windows, and in the Zotero cloud. I only have 187 items in my library on my Android device I've tried syncing repeatedly but the discrepency remains. Is there is a way to re…
Thanks very much for opening the beta program up further @dstillman. I've been using Zotero on Android for a week now and it seems pretty solid. I have had issues with Zotero sync. The first is that changes don't sync e.g. if I change a book sectio…
Is there a way to nest a book section underneath a book in the same way that a PDF is nested under a parent item? Also, is the an a way to note a (most often independent) Section Author? Thanks Edit: I just found this https://www.zotero.org/trac/…
I'm in support of a request to simplify the workflow that involves clipping from a webpage > importing into Zotero > marking up the clipped page with highlights and notes > importing those markups and notes into Obsidian Edit: I do think t…
Thanks Adam, that is very helpful