Kristen Sukalac


Kristen Sukalac


  • Here you go: { | Suchman, 1995 | | |zu:458031:5AJDFV9J}
  • Yes, I'd be interested because unless I'm mistaken, it's easier to keep the output document up to date with the ODF scan. However, the field codes being inserted look identical to the ones using Scannable cite, so I deduced that I could keep working…
  • @adamsmith Scannable Cite is still there, but when I click on an entry in Zotero and drag it over to Scrivener, nothing happens. Before, the citation coding would automagically appear in the text. I didn't try ctrl-shift-C because, to be honest, I o…
  • Hi @emilianoheyns and @fbennett, Thanks for your messages. I posted here because on the page, it says, "Support Please ask any questions and report problems to the RTF/ODF - Scan thread on the Zote…
  • Hi! Zotero has just released an update that it pretty foisted upon us and which "breaks" the RTF/ODF scan tool. Any news when you'll have an update compatible with the new version? I write in Scrivener, and without your tool, I'll lose a l…
  • Bizarrely, Scannable Citation just suddenly showed up in my list of options by magic.
  • I am having difficulties installing the RTF/ODF Scan for Zotero (version on a Surface tablet running Windows 10). I have successfully installed Zotero and the the RTF/ODF Scan for Zotero on a PC laptop running Windows 10, but it's not work…