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- cesare.beccaria
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Thanks for the help @distillman, I'll try my best to figure out why the files are not where they used to be. Good to know the problem is not in the plugin: I need Zotmoov to back up the attached file to One Drive. May be I can delete Attanger, if …
Thanks @dstillman and sorry for the duplicate threads. A. IPad. Now I can see that only about 100 items are missing on the iPad and I can open the attached files. B. About the linked files: I tried to follow the "file not syncing" instruction fro…
[Merged from separate thread "iOS Debug Log: D243619342" — D.S.] [Describe the issue you're reporting.] I don't find the attached file on my iPad, after upgrading Storage of Zotero. On my Windows Laptop and Zotero Web is ok. Can you help me?
Thank you @dstillman, but it doesn't work (s. https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/122084/ios-debug-log-d243619342#latest)
Plus. I'm checking my items (16k). Unfortunately the problem is not only on the iPad. Many attached files are now lost in both the window and web versions. I tried again the command of Zotero to convert the linked in attached files (remains 2125 att…
Wonderful, thank you so much @tim820. How come zotmoov is not in the Zotero forum? (https://www.zotero.org/support/plugins)
Many thanks @tim820. But, once I convert the links from my folders on Google Drive to stored files on Zotero, what do I need to do to have on Google Drive some sort of back up of the files stored on Zotero?
Thank you a lot @adamsmith. Now Zotero works properly. I have removed Attanger and reinstalled it. It seems to work.
Thank you for answering dstillman, but I'm not shure is a problem with Attanger: the file disappear before I use the plugin
Perfect! Thank you very much @rap59. Ciao
Hi @adamsmith! Can you tell me where I can find the .xpi file to install Attenger? https://github.com/MuiseDestiny/zotero-attanger
Thanks @adamsmith
@adamsmith maybe I just miss Zotfile in Zotero 7 (function: Rename & move). Thank you @gduffner I will try Attanger that I couldn't find in Zotero https://www.zotero.org/support/plugins. About Mac iPadOS Zotero app: I miss the possibility to r…
Thanks for the suggestions: clear and concise, even for a layman like me. Method #2 is the one I have been using for a long time with Zotero for Windows 6, in part because it allows me to automatically rename attached files based on the metadata and…
Thanks for your reply tim820 and ulahcherubim. I will try to be more specific. By "upload" I mean dragging and dropping files from my computer to the Zotero Desktop App Library. By 'Zotero Storage' I mean the folder dedicated to Zotero locally (on m…
Thank you very much
Thank you adamsmith. I'm trying to recover some space on Zotero sync, so I can upload some files to work on both the MacOs (computer) and iOS (iPad) versions of the pdfs. If it were possible to transfer the linked files from Google drive to Zotero …
Thank you bwiernik, but how can I delate only the pdf on Zotero storage? Viceversa if I upgrade the Zotero storage, how can I move Items and the linked files from Goggle drive to Zotero syncing?
Hi, I have more than 12k items on Zotero, some with attachments some not. I started to storage the attachments on Zotero sync but is full. Now I storage on my local hd synced with Google drive. I wish to delete only the pdf +(not the items) on Zote…
Thank you, bwiernik. My university work with Google Drive (we have +20 TB) and take good care of it. My pdf for Zotero (+16GB) are stored there with a lot of other stuff for the university (230 GB). Zotero wants 120 $: it's a little bit expensive. B…
You're very kind bwiernik. About juris. I have +8k items. I prefer to stay on the bigger and updated family of Zotero. About GitHub. It's too technical for me. I landed there only because https://zotero.org/support/kb/webdav_services suggest it for…
Thank you very much bwiernik also for the zosqlite integrity check: it's ok. About Google drive. I've created a Multcloud account and then try to follow your suggestion https://zotero.org/support/kb/webdav_services. It supposed to create a web brid…
Hi guys in a new post I wrote my concerns about zotero.sqlite Back to my first problem: how can Zotero work with a Macbook and an Android cell with the pdf stored in Google drive? I tried with ZotEz (5.99€). It didn't work very well (e.g. I can't f…
Woh! Thanks. Now I have zotero.sqlite only on my Mac
Hi, Gurdas, thank you for answering. I have been used a free version of Zotdroid. Maybe that's the reasons of his malfunction. I didn't understand if I can download just the alleged file on Zotero. I have zotero.sqlite and storage on my Mac and a …
It's a problem. I work with a Macbook and an Android cell. My Zotero library and attached files are on Google Drive. Zotfile for Android doesn't work well. Should I change from Android to iPhone? On the other side I'm agreed with the big limitation …
Thank you very much Bwiernik! I'll try to follow your clear explanation. Ciao