



  • LobreOffice came bundled with the Mate 24.04 install. A second press of the Add/Edit Bibliography button does bring up the Edit Bibliography dialog. The Debug ID is D862005033.
  • Thanks for the reply. This problem is happening in real time in a new unsaved document. I can open a Libre writer doc, add a citation and then add a bibliography further down the page or on another page. When I add a second (or third, fourth etc) c…
  • It is working as expected now Thanks
    in sync error Comment by bobsone 9 days ago
  • Ah, that explains it. Thanks for the help: Regards.
  • I have access to the other computer today and have compared them a bit. The profiles for both computers (a laptop and a desktop currently running Zotero 5.0.77 and 5.0.80 respectively) weren't copied, two machines were clean installs, were set up se…
  • This has been a bit of a learning trek… I managed to find the permissions for prefs.js, it was set to -rw------- that was modified on 13 December. I changed it to -rw-rw---- and all appears to be working properly again. I will try updating the…
  • I think I have managed to submit a debug file with the debug ID D1718760016 R.e submitting the debug output: I tried, Help>Debug Output Logging>Enable and then manually restarting Help>Debug Output Logging>Enable and restart with the Re…
  • Hi Thanks for the responses. I am not able to get the debug to submit anything (the submit button in the “Debug Output” window wasn't active), the only content I can supply is the following: JavaScript Error: "uncaught exception: unopkg at /usr/bi…
  • Thanks for the info emilianoeheyns, I reset the permissions from 777 to their original after my “test”. Changing the folders permissions to 777 and back again corrected the problem and allowed normal operation. I have uninstalled the ppa stand-alo…
  • Using the method outlined in a previous post I uninstalled-reinstalled Zotero, the reinstall reverted Zotero from 5.0.60 to 5.0.59, unfortunately the problem still persisted. I then ran ~$ stat /opt/zotero which returned; File: /opt/zotero Size: 40…
  • Ahh sorry, The orrigional install on both computers (and subsiquent reinstall) was via; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:smathot/cogscinl
  • The 5.0.60 install came via an update, i.e. Help>Check for Updates
  • Bad news, the issue has returned on one of the MATE computers. The PC with the problem is now running Zotero 5.0.60 and the other (functioning correctly) one is still on 5.0.59 With the exception that the Mate computers have different Zotero versi…
  • Zotero is working as expected now and thanks for the replies and the link. In case others like me (novices) want to try Zotero in Mate or want to remove and reinstall Zotero here is the method I used to remove Zotero; sudo apt-get remove zotero-st…
  • Thanks for the reply. I used the following Ubuntu install process; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:smathot/cogscinl sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install zotero-standalone There is also the instructions at…
  • A bit of a head scratcher... I don’t have a Webpage option, my File>New Item list ends (or perhaps it drops off the page) at Video Recording The following are examples of a Blog Post Formatted with the Bournemouth Harvard style. (Schotter 1901…
  • ...should it show for all items? Yes, this is an extramural program so most of the reference material will only be viewed online so if it is possible it would be useful to be able to add the usual access URL and date accessed to any of the referenc…
  • That was a quick reply... Yes I have “Include URLs for paper articles” checked
  • Thanks for the updated link. It looks like it is working, except for the inclusion of URLs in the full references e.g. Verfügbar über: http://www... (Letzter Zugriff: 21.09.2017) The Zotero version is 5.0.3, Edit>Preferences>Cite "Citation O…
  • Thanks for the link bwiernik , I now have edited book styles sorted and thanks for the updated style damnation I am working through it. In the Thesis example we now have "Unveröff. Diplomarbeit." correctly situated at the end of the full reference…
  • This is what I have so far, it takes a while to work through the different aspects of each catory. Here is the link: Regards.
  • Hi. Thanks for doing the work here. Sorry for the delay, I didn’t have access to the laptop. I am working through the different formats and have found some discrepancies which I have listed on a text doc. Unfortunately, although I have tried to hi…
  • Hi, This is the Campbell journal citation based on the info in the pdf. With the exception of the hyphen between the page numbers it is the same as this styles Citavi product. Do you need anything else? One further question, I see in the link you pr…
  • Google has found it at;
  • Thanks for the offer damnation, Is there a preferred method to upload - send a pdf?
  • Thanks for the reply bwiernik. It’s a shame Zotero can't import Citavi styles, it would have saved me some work :-). I am thinking (as a novice) the best option will be to modify the Bournmouth Harvard style. Re. What exactly are the changes you nee…