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- tnajdek
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Thanks for reporting the issue. We've released a fix - if you reload the page, your PDF should appear correctly in the web library. Sorry about this!
We've released an update, and this issue should now be resolved. Again, thank you for reporting!
The web library is currently using an older version of the Reader where this issue is still present, but we will be releasing an update soon.
Thanks! This helped us identify a bug that is causing the problem, and we will fix it. In the meantime, as a workaround, you will need to tick and then untick "Show Automatic" to trick the web library into loading the remaining tags (only in this…
In which browser does this happen? Could you please try another browser to confirm whether this still occurs? Unticking "Show Automatic" changes how tags are handled by the web library, so unticking and then ticking it again might work as a workaro…
That's the web library, not Zotero—it does not support adding items to My Publications. Zotero is an app that you can download from You should install the Zotero app, set up sync so that it matches what you see in t…
Upgrading Zotero would not have affected your library. You need to explain in more detail what you are trying to achieve. Import what files from where? What do you mean by a "PC-designated" library?
If you deleted the files from your system, then simply setting up sync will pull down your data. If you don't see the files in the web library, it means that you were either using linked files, WebDAV for file storage, or you were at your Zotero St…
It's quite easy to select the wrong file for import, so please double-check that you've followed all the steps on the linked page and picked the correct .ctv6 file. If that doesn't help, try running the import again with debug enabled and post a …
It's possible to hide the automatic tags from the three-dots menu next to the tag selector, but it's not currently possible to specify whether automatic tags should be created when saving directly to the web library.
The documentation for `firstCreator` doesn't describe the complete behavior of this variable The logic for creating the `firstCreator` is the same as for the "Creator" column. We will add a note about this to the documentation. `year` is listed as …
No, the PDF is displayed using the Zotero Reader; however, both the browser and the OS are relevant here because our code ultimately depends on both to render the PDF content. Zen Browser is based on Firefox, so it should work, and in fact, it do…
I've obtained a PDF from, and it displays correctly for me in both the Web Library and Zotero. What browser and operating system are you using? Did you try re-downloading…
Yes, Thank you. It would be nice to have the export option when viewing the with the reader That makes sense, we should be able to add it in the future.
Once you select an item, you can download any attachment from the "Attachments" tab. By default, the "Download" button exports the PDF with annotations. If you prefer to download the original file without any annotations, you can select the "Downloa…
Thanks for confirming. Ideally, it should be alphabetically sorted everywhere, but there are some technical challenges that we need to resolve first. We hope to address this issue in the future.
Hi, thanks for reporting this problem. Is it possible that these items are incorrectly sorted rather than missing? Some item types are not sorted alphabetically in the web library—I believe "Software" will be sorted between "Case" and "Conference Pa…
would you see any issues with that version? Sure, that should work as well.
Unless I misunderstand what you're trying to achieve, the template you've posted will not work as expected when there is just one author but two or more editors. In such a case, it will end up using only the name of the first editor. You might want …
In the web library, you can double-click on an item in the table to open the attached PDF in the reader. If there’s more than one attachment, you can view the list on the right under the "Attachments" tab, where it’s also possible to download the at…
In that case still the comma is used. Oh yes, the 4th line of the original template also should include the join parameter, something like: {{ authors join=" " }} Something else has changed: names can only be changed right-clicking on the pdf. See: …
Strangely enough, in the preview (in settings), the Call Number is shown. But on the actual file change, it does not add the Call Number. Any idea why? Is the Call Number field populated for the parent item for this file? Is it possible to remover t…
We've released an update, and it's now possible to import references from BibTeX and other Zotero-compatible files into the web library
We've released an update, and it's now possible to import references from RIS and other Zotero-compatible files into the web library:
We've released an update, and it's now possible to import references from RIS and other Zotero-compatible files into the web library:
We've released an update, and it's now possible to import references from a file into the web library. On desktop, this feature is accessible via a new toolbar button (see screenshot below). On mobile devices, this feature is accessible from a three…
We've released an update, and it's now possible to import references from RIS and other Zotero-compatible files into the web library. On desktop, this feature is accessible via a new toolbar button (see screenshot below). On mobile devices, this fea…
The following template should create filenames as you've described: {{ if {{ authors match="[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+" }} }} {{ authors max="2" suffix=" ea" }} {{ else }} {{ authors }} {{ endif }} {{ year prefix=" " }} {{ title prefix=" - " }} {{ callNumbe…
Thank you for providing the extra information. It seems there are files in C:\Program Files\Zotero\ that should have been removed during the uninstallation (or a reboot afterwards) but weren't. To solve this problem, you can manually remove the C:\P…
This is related to user privileges on Windows, and we've already fixed some cases where this would occur, but clearly not all. Could you please help us by answering a few questions below? 1. Does your account have administrator privileges? When yo…