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Thanks for this confirmation. The BBT issue is being tracked at , but Emiliano seems stumped as to how to fix it. Perhaps it is an issue beyond his control that is more general. In any c…
Thank you so much for your help. The javascript in the comment you sent did permanently clear the old values, but I do not see how to get it to remember the new values and I couldn't find the autologin option in the Settings. I found the setting sig…
If someone could please give me some sort of assistance or guidance with this, it would be really helpful. When I fail to promptly enter the proxy password, it breaks Better BibTex for Zotero (see…
Thanks, just restarting it in safe mode (as advised by the cite you mentioned) and then exiting and restarting in normal mode seems to have fixed the problem.
OK, thanks, it is definitely not clear on Ubuntu that the snap is not the official path, but that isn't Zotero's fault I suspect. You wouldn't happen to know if there is a way to transfer my existing profile from the snap installation to the offici…
Hi, I know that this is an old series of posts, but I was wondering where this stood. I was trying to include the citation key in a CSL file for use in LibreOffice/Word, but I don't see any way to currently do it and I can't find the option mention…
OK thanks. I new I had seen other forum posts on this, but my searches kept pulling up discussions of importing raw text bibliographies from Word and things like that...
I don't have duplicates of these items in the group library, but I do have a duplicate copy in my personal library. I initially thought that that was the problem, citing sometimes from personal, but sometimes from the group, but I am now very caref…
Sorry for the long silence. I have been traveling for work. It appears that the new beta has fixed the problem as it is now busily trying to finish syncing my database. Thanks for the help!
Hi, Sorry for the radio silence - I have been busy with other things. Encryption and long filenames are indeed the problems here - my home is encrypted. I would be happy to test a fix, just let me know when to grab the beta. I deleted t…
Hi, Thanks for taking the time to respond. In finally decided to wide clean my zotero installation and restart, this time with the "download on demand" option checked. That has worked quite well. The option to delete already downloaded local…
I eventually found a couple of needles in the haystack that were eating up space, but it was quite difficult. Of the 767 pdfs I found, I have only come across 3-4 that were mine...
In theory yes, but in practice it is very hard to go that route because storage is broken up into many oddly named directories that are hard to associate with a specific reference. I also am part of a number of zotero groups, whose storage doesn't …
Sorry about the errors - too much copy and paste. From now on, will use the script.
Hi, I have made some improvements to the fish-and-fisheries.csl style (format for reports, minor modifications, etc.). Would you mind pushing the new version to the style repository? The latest version can be found at the same link as the ori…
I solved the pages problem in one of my styles using: This is a hack though as it will be incorrect for reports with one page (unusual, but it could happen). I think that the mapping for report type entries should be from Pages (in Zotero) to nu…
And by the way, the (new to me) zotero reference test pane is a great help creating new styles, as is the new documentation on the csl format. Thanks!
One other thing - might I suggest adding a webpage reference and a journal article with just a doi as these are becoming more and more prevalent in reference lists. Webpages are particularly poorly supported in many existing formats because they ar…
Cool, thanks for the help.
Thanks for this and again sorry for being lazy (or busy...). You mentioned the online validator, which I don't think was available when I last did this. Could someone just point me to where that is and in the future I will do this myself? Che…
This is a must for me as well and a typical gotcha for foreign researchers trying to get started in Zotero (I have seen several cases of people editing every reference to the language of their choice only to see all that disappear when they change r…
Just to clarify, I have done this is SVN and imagine that this will propagate to the online style repository shortly.
+1 from me too. This gets people in my laboratory in France all the time, especially students who bang their heads on this point and end up thinking Zotero is hopelessly broken. For us, this setting is almost always wrong (very few publicati…
Hi, I posted the same problem on another forum post here: I modified the translator to fix all the problems I found. The modified translator can be download…
OK, trying a few more references, I found that none of the MEPS references appear to work. I haven't looked at the other Inter-Research journals, but it looks like they have a standard api that should work for all their journals. Rooting aroun…
Here is another paper that fails to import:
Hi, This looks great. Has this been integrated into the released CSL processor that comes with zotero 2.0 yet? If so, has this been integrated into the agu.csl style? Thanks, David
Good to know. I will just leave the csl as is and when the bug is fixed it should start working.
I just tried switching the order of the test on accessed and the test on type webpage and it is still the test on accessed that doesn't work as expected. Is this perhaps a bug or perhaps the test be , though this would be strange as many csl files …