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I have to say that I am lost with the threads... anyway. I found a way, that solve the problem, and let you know: *For new word docts=> Zotero works if field (recommended) is unselected, so bookmark selected+++, and conversely. For word docts wit…
As explained before, yes, the problem is the same in a new word document. I open a new doc. write few words. insert a citation => error message / insert references => no reference... Can I send you the word document in which you will see the p…
I have downloaded libreoffice. Zotero works well with Libreoffice, and I can, as usually I did, add references and biblio without trouble. So, meanwhile you try to solve the trouble with Word365, I use Libreoffice... which is disappointing as I boug…
Reporting : 275003710 I cannot update citations in word_365, and cannot insert new citation in word_365 (see reporting). Please help... I must submit a manuscript ASAP (yesterday...), and I can't! Is it possible to download an old version of zotero …
No, it doesn't work with a new document (neither using copy-paste ... on a new document). After reinstalling Zotero AND Word_office" (few min ago), the problem persists. Can we go back to a stable version of Zotero?
Yes, That's a big "bazar", no solution work... I am using the last version of Word (office 365). I guess that the problem last since few weeks ...but it is worst with time. Please help!!!!! We waist a lot of time instead of working efficiently.
Hi, finally I found the problem, and the solution. My Zotero base and documents were on a external (however high speed) disk, and it worked very well until last week. I suppose that a reached a very large size of data base of references (>10Gb), …
Hi, I am not able to paste in the path ..., as I wrote I am a user not a programmer. Yesterday, I retried again and again, and I understood The connection (Zotero-Word) works but very very very very slowly (about 5 min before I was able to add a ref…
Hello, please find the report error number 1536405969. The folder is C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\Zotero.dotm ... this address, available in Word (Compléments), is where I am supposed to remove Zotero.dotm before reinstalling …
Thanks. No solution works... I use office 365 (reinstalled 2 hours ago). Still stuck... and cannot find zotero.dotm in the ad hoc C:/user.... May be Word Office 365 does not place zotero.dotm in the conventional folder... Meanwhile I cannot use Zote…