



  • When I want to rearrange my Libre office document but keep the links to my cites working (so I can still edit them) I do the following: 1) Look at the Zotero toolbar at the top of your document where you add and edit your citations and find the ico…
  • When I want to rearrange my Libre office document but keep the links to my cites working (so I can still edit them) I do the following: 1) Look at the Zotero toolbar at the top of your document where you add and edit your citations and find the ico…
  • Another option, using a file written by Matt Tracy: 1) open a text program 2) paste the xml code here http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2205075/NIH Style PMID.csl 3) save with the extension .csl not .txt 4) drag and drop the file into your open bro…
  • Using a file written by Matt Tracy: 1) open a text program 2) paste the code here http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2205075/NIH Style PMID.csl 3) save with the extension .csl not .txt 4) drag and drop the file into your open browser and zotero will…
  • Using Tracyme's method 1) open a text program 2) past the code here http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2205075/NIH Style PMID.csl 3) save with the extension .csl not .txt 4) drag and drop the file into your open browser and zotero will automatically…