



  • I've been away the past week, and have just come back to this. I don't remember exactly what the previous error report said, but now I'm getting an error report reading: "Empty response from server. Please try again in a few minutes." This is after …
    in sync Comment by twenger August 19, 2010
  • Just to let you know that after all this tinkering I imported my libraries successfully-- thanks so very much for your help!
  • Thanks, this is extremely helpful and it looks like it will work. The only remaining problem is that Zotero is still importing manuscript files as webpages, even though the RIS.js file is mapping manuscript:"PAMP". Doesn't that mean that if I tell E…
  • I had already looked through the forums on importing from Endnote and found no solution to my problem. The pages on Zotero's field mappings and the RIS.js are very helpful (the code is all new to me but I can make sense of some of it). I can move in…