



  • Many thanks, now it works flawlessly on this and other items previously unimportable.
  • I solved it (sort of...). I started writing a note on an item and, as I reached the border of the screen, instead of wrapping the line, the pane moved and finally I saw the botton at the top right corner. This seems to be one more of Firefox's m…
  • After 4 months I'm still waiting for permission to join the Catalan localization team. No life signals whatsoever! I can't even download the files to localize them for my own use.
  • OK, after checking NeuroTree and MeSH, I realized why we're not understanding each other. The key question is: do we want Zotero to be a cataloguing database for huge, diverse libraries? If in the affirmative, we certainly need a hierarchical …
  • onedayonenoodle: I just checked NeuroTree and found it rather off-putting. This is precisely the kind of oversimplification that should be avoided: do scholars truly draw all their inspiration exclusively from one mentor? It may satisfy some people'…
  • If you get familiar with genealogical software like I did, you'll realize those GUI problems are actually insolvable. I found I descend three times from a couple that lived in the 17th century. The only accurate representation of my family tree woul…
  • onedayonenoodle, you actually agree with me because you found collections was the feature that better served your goals, but you now hit the crux of the problem. The very essence of tags is that they're not exclusive, you can assign as many as you w…
  • Well, I used to work at a help desk in a computer lab and I can tell you most programers can't even start imagining to what uses their programs can be put "in the wild". Actually that's what hacking is all about. Just think of newsreaders and the NT…
  • I can't see the point of hierarchical tags, at least not in this case. Tagging should be exploratory and aim at making and remembering connections that are not self-evident, so it should emerge from your own research rather than reflecting the conve…
  • It worked awesomely¡ Thank you so much. Are there other useful characters I should be aware of? Is there a list?
  • It works, thanks!
  • You were right, installing Sun's Java and its web plugin fixed the issue. But first, I uninstalled all OOo extensions and then removed the contents of ~/.ooo3/user/uno_packages/cache/ (as the extensions didn't seem to disappear, but probably t…