



  • I was just wondering whether there has been any changes still planned to extend the fields available for renaming pdfs? I have tried the zotfile plugin but unfortunately it doesn't allow page numbers to be included. This means I am still doing them …
  • Hi Joscha, thanks for the great zotero plugin. It is proving to be a real help in keeping the mass of pdfs under some semblance of control I was wondering how easy it would be to add the ability of saving the page number as well? I have qu…
  • It would be great to be able to add journal name (or abbreviation) as well as volume and page number. In addition to using zotero I also keep my pdfs in an external folder for other people. If I can rename automatically including this informati…
  • Hi there, I have just switched over my EndNote library to Zotero and have the same experience (Likewise using Zotero 2.0b5, Firefox 3.0.11 and XP ). I started testing Zotero on a small library ~300 entries, which worked really well. Since impo…