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Ok thanks! I thought so that this was discussed before but did not find it.
I agree to your point that referring to an edited entry of the bibliography a second time would be problematic. True enough. However, my choice of style is not entirely up to me but more a requirement of the journal I want to submit my papers to. M…
I am talking about the bibliography. Example: typical entry: (26) Edelmann, F. T.; Farnaby, J. H.; Jaroschik, F.; Wilson, B. Coord. Chem. Rev. 2019, 398, 113005. Once I edit to: (26) For a really comprehensive survey of organolanth…
I now get it. The reason I did not see the button was that my duplicates were different types. It seems that I did not realize that there are two types to merge duplicates. The obvious one in the duplicates view and the context trigger way. Thanks …
Now that approximately three years have passed, I want to raise the issue of editing titles again. I have switched to the beta version of Zotero with the really neat pdf and note editing possibilities. However, the new note editor does not allow ex…
@dstillman: Thanks for the quick reply! Glad to hear that subscript/superscript will come. It is important for me. I really appreciate all your work. Zotero is a fantastic tool!
@dstillman: Thanks for the quick reply! Glad to hear that subscript/superscript will come. It is important for me. I really appreciate all your work. Zotero is a fantastic tool!
I really like these new features! It is definitely a step into the right direction. What I miss though is some functionality of the old note editor. As a chemist I appreciated the subscript/superscript options. I also liked the show source text op…
I have not thought about using Zotero's note and abuse for HTML conversion. But it is a great idea. I do not have to switch programs and for titles with many subscripts its just great. Thank you very much adamsmith!
Thanks a lot! You really made my day. That annoyed me for years.
OMG so easy! That is exactly what I was looking for. Was that always possible?
I now found a solution to do that. I installed Zotfile and use a modified name rule: SI_{%a_}{%y_}{%t} to add "SI_" as a prefix to the standard file name for supporting info pdfs.
@bwiernik For what its worth: I wanted to make a debug log and all of the sudden it did what it is supposed to do. I turned off the the debug log and it still works. No idea why it did not work all morning but as far as I am concerned everthing wor…
When carrying out an extended search (erweiterte Suche in my German version) the search works well but if I click on one of the results It used to show that entry in my library wher I could edit it. The link between search results and main library s…
Works just fine now. Thanks!!
I just wanted to let you know. If the lists are not too long its no big deal to import one by one.