



  • Major thumbs up to this request -- this is the single biggest issue with our usage now -- proliferation of dupes because people don't check before adding.
  • > An alternate solution (not simple, mind), would be to use the Zotero API to sync item+extra to a private database an build a separate api on for citekey resolution, making querying on citekey a two-step process. This is exactly what we are cu…
  • We have all our keys pinned, so that part is not a problem, and also just use one large shared group library. But in any case, I was assuming it would be a search function -- could return 0 or multiple results and it is up to the caller to deal wit…
  • @emilianoheyns you are the Zorro of Zotero and if you can figure this one out, I will absolutely PayPal you a generous contribution for all your considerable efforts :) Just to be clear, my particular use-case is *not* the "web view" (via a browser…
  • It doesn't seem to be working for me. Maybe I'm missing something? This works to find something that is unique to one entry in the title: https://api.zotero.org/groups/340666/items/?q=Go-Explore&qmode=everything&itemQMode=contains&ite…
  • Is there any update on the addition of a zotero-native citekey field? I would love to be able to have a links that lookup entries by their citekey's and return references in various convenient formats (apa etc). Right now we are creating a separat…