



  • Well, I can not deny that I would have preferred an easier way to edit the tags and keep all other information ;-)
  • So, maybe it's helpful for someone. Here's how I removed all tags not only locally, but also on zotero's server (I am working with the Firefox plugin): I followed this instruction concerning SQL manipulation, given by "lmullen": http://forums.zo…
  • Hmm, okay, that's kind of a pity, that syncing is not possible that way (because I did not know exactly what I was doing, just hoping that it works). But thank you anyway
  • I bought it some monzhs ago and it has Windows 7 64 Bit, a i3-2120 cpu with 3.3 GHz and 6 GB RAM. In another thread I found instructions how to delete ALL tags with the help of a Firefox SQLite Plug in. But for some reason, the tags are only delet…
  • Hi Dan, my Debug ID is D1820304968. It's not 14 seconds, but still it takes a few of them to delete one tag. I have hundreds to thousands of useless tags which I would love to get rid of. Deleting them one by one would take me forever. Is there…