



  • Thank you for the detailed clarification. I will attempt to move the files over the weekend. A few clarifications: 1) I am not using the zotero cloud just as you inferred. I cannot justify that for myself. 2) I know that officially linking the st…
  • thank you for your answer. I have installed zotmoov but to be honest I don't see the benefit for it now. what I would like to achieve is to have all my pdfs organized by zotero in a single location like storage. Actually I have symlinked storage to…
  • thank you! I will try this. About time for the android app, damn!
  • You guys were right! The problem was on my side! All good now. As I said it will take some getting used to the new system. I am now at work and I was trying to install zotero 5 on linux and all I get is an archive which I unpack and I can run zoter…
  • sorry I am an idiot! I click on the save to zotero and I get the window to save the file in zotero. The annoyance is that it obtains the metadata and creates an entry for the file downloaded, but it also creates a blank entry with no title, only som…
  • In chrome, I click on the save to zotero and I only get to save a snapshot. If I try to save the file localy I don't get the save to zotero option like I used to do in Firefox. How do you drag an URL to zotero?
  • OK, after reading about the dangers of dropbox syncing, I have switched to syncing the database with the zotero server. All i can say is that it is disappointingly slow! A modification on one device takes ages to translate on the other. I have …
  • precisely! dropbox has an interesting way of resolving such conflicts by renaming the conflicting file. I have checked just now my zotero base directory and it seems there were some conflicting sqlite files last year but i never noticed problems. th…
  • @noksagt I was under the impression that the sync function will sync everything on the zotero storage, database AND pdfs. And I have too many pdfs. Also I have set zotero to copy the attached pdfs where the database is (in the dropbox folder) to kee…
  • Wow! awesome answer! I can say that I am excited to see the future improvements. However I am confused about the database corruption issue in Dropbox. I have my database there for more than 2 years I think, and nothing happened. This is the onl…
  • OK this is an option (thank you btw! I will use it from now on!) but in my mind this could be expanded to more than email. For example: keep the database in the dropbox/google drive folder, then when someone asks for an article (or more than on…
  • Ok I have discovered ZotFile which works great to rename files and does what I want. Now if it was possible to correct the missing info I would be a really happy researcher :)
  • Hi, Thanks for the quick response! My EndNote library is very old and very big. I have noticed that some information missing such as the page numbers. Anyway I was very excited about how Zotero imported all my references and trying to get used …
  • what is the status of this request? I would really love to have this feature! I am in the process to switch from EndNote to Zotero since I am fed up with the high price and no real updates and useful features. In the process of switching from e…