



  • @adamsmith @zuphilip Fabulous!!! It works. Thank you so much for your efforts! I did check out the 'technical details' link but as I am computer dyslexic I might as well look at a Chinese novel. Have a great day and thanks again!
  • @zuphilip Here's the file: I hope that's what you meant... @dstillman @adamsmith can you explain the error to me? Many many thanks again!!!
  • The error report ID: 200994914 Thanks!!! I am very curious now :)
  • error message: Fehler _ Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten beim Importieren der ausgewählten Datei. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei korrekt ist und versuchen Sie es erneut.
  • File on Text Edit: true ecac1e1f-12e8-4671-b8ed-5d181cec8dc5 Blue Text None CustomField1 Text None CustomField2 it goes on similarly …
  • @bwiernik :) Thanks! It indeed got me one step further - but unfortunately only that: So I repeated the same thing with the Folder now, then unzipped the file, and indeed a new file *.ctv5 was created at the same location. When I imported this fil…
  • @dstillman @noksagt Thanks!! Like dstillman I didn't see that option so I did what he said. The result was: MacBook-Air:~ sina$ cd filename.ctv5bak -bash: cd: filename.ctv5bak: Not a directory MacBook-Air:~ sina$ unzip filename.ctv5bak Archive:…
  • @adamsmith - I updated to Citavi 5 on the other Mac. That worked fine but the backups files *.ctv5bak do not behave like zip files but like normal files (that cannot be opened on the Mac, opening them in the VM opens them as project in citavi, they …
  • Thanks for the quick response! and sorry for double posting, didn't know it's not allowed. Here we go: SQLite format 3@ Ç Œ ÕWÇ-‚'.ù˚ˆÒÏÁ‚›ÿ”Œ…ƒø∫µ∞´¶°úóíçàÉ~ytoje`[VQLGB=83.)$autoindex_CategoryCategory_1CategoryCategoryÑz!--âtableCategoryCategory…
  • Hey folks, I did exactly what's described there to import my Citavi library (from Citavi 4 on a Mac), but am then told that Zotero (latest version on a Mac) cannot import the file format. Do you k…
  • Hey folks, I did exactly what's described there to import my Citavi library (from Citavi 4 on a Mac), but am then told that Zotero (latest version on a Mac) cannot import the file format. Do you k…