



  • Thanks, but that's actually just the code the enables insertion of citations into text frames. Do you happen to also know where Zotero determines if this is a first or subsequent occurrence of a citation in order to print the long title, short title…
  • Hmm, could you point me to a file or commit where to find the code that's handling citations in figure captions? I cloned https://github.com/zotero/zotero-libreoffice-integration, did a bit of grepping and had a look at the git log, but haven't real…
  • I think I can identitfy one bug rather clearly: while LO itself manages to enumerate illustrations correctly in the order they appear in the document, Zotero seems to use the order in which citations in illustrations were last modified; so if my ill…
  • Thank you for your quick reply. Too bad I can't use Zotero natively for my table of figures, though :-( FWIW, the warning reads "Citations in text frames will be formatted as if they appear at the end of the document"
  • Okay, thanks for making that clear. So what would need to be done to get this into CSL? Discussion on the xbiblio ML? (From a technical POV, this isn't a hard problem, is it?)
  • @adamsmith: MLA seems to include (script)writers optionally, see e.g. http://www.bibme.org/citation-guide/MLA/film or https://github.com/ajlyon/zotero-bits/issues/50 -- sorry, I don't have the original style guide. About that 'scriptwriter' rol…
  • Is the value of the director field overriding the author? I'd like to use the author field for the screenwriter, but I can't seem to be able to display it along with the director.
  • Does this mean there's currently no way to render a director name?