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thanks dstillman! Yes, I can still open the file in another pdf reader and the Report ID is: 20013784|
This has been updated in the citations style. Try this: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/raw/fda1a3fa5fb035efd93ff71fda15b5963eeec328/society-of-biblical-literature-fullnote-bibliography.csl And in the extras field type: Medium: …
Oh that works a treat! Oh wonderful thank you so much!
Oh I see - thank you!
thank you, damnation! I understand that this style will work off the medium field. However, after installing the citation style, I can't see an option to select a medium which is ebook/kindle/epub/or the like. Or is there a way that I can type a me…
+1 Also, not sure how to change the style sheet either. Any tech savvy folks out there who can help us with this?
+1 for this feature please!
Upvote I think this would be quite helpful too
Hi Adam! I see what you mean. Yes, if it was a subsequent edition of the book it would be correctly position. Thank you! I thought I was going crazy! Instead of reworking the citation style, perhaps I just need to change where in Zotero I place th…
in the edition field
Thanks Adam! It's so strange it was fine a month ago for my last essay. The correct citation should be, and which was correct a month ago is: Footnote: Michael F. Bird, “Amyraut as Exegete: Building the Biblical Case for Bi-Covenantal Universalism…
for example, copied directly from the Style previewer: Society of Biblical Literature 2nd edition (full note) Footnote: Michael F. Bird, “Amyraut as Exegete: Building the Biblical Case for Bi-Covenantal Universalism,” in Unlimited Atonement, ed.…
+5 would also use this
ah, just me then! Thank you so much for your help and resolving the issue, I greatly appreciate it! Everything is back to normal - thank you!
@hsiangyu_wong This link you connected to looks like what i need. Apologies for the newb question but where exactly would I type this code to extract the Zotero notes into another Zotero note?