



  • I just want to throw my support for keeping this feature in mind. It may be unique to MLA, but it is very, very common in MLA writing. And even more so in MLA 8. Sorry for the necromancy.
  • Sorry for the long delay, missed the reply notice! The introduction renders properly now, thank you bwiernik. I will toy with ways of getting translators to render as I want. For example, if I call the Publisher "By René Descartes, Early Modern…
  • Additionally, is there any way to mark titled Introductions as such, as required in 2.2.1 MLA 8? Bentley, Eric. “The Science Fiction of Bertolt Brecht.” Galileo, Grove Press, 1966, pp. 7–42. is supposed to now appear as (you'll notice a missing by…
  • Hello all! Is there a way to add a byline when dealing with a particular translator, as per the MLA 8 Rules? For example: Descartes, René. Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences. Translated by…