



  • cheers, that worked for me too! I almost went crazy trying to do it with dropbox n syncing between 3 computers... havin firefox open on all three causes a mess... so lets see how this works out. thanks again.
  • I totally agree, foxit is great! thx for that tip. really hope the syncing issue will be solved as it is the tiny little cornerstone that would make the palace that is zotero, perfect!... cant believe how efficient it is anyways :)
  • since when can u highlight a pdf? except with adobe acrobat pro n all?
  • and just realized what you meant :) cool, that should work... I'd actually like a zotero feature that redownloads all citation pdf's from their respective site again... would take a while but should work just as good... anywho, thx!
  • that sounds very good, could you tell me how you configured zour zotero to use dropbox? it"s a free service so that sounds reallz good... but what for example is their Webdav url? thanks in advance for your help :)
  • I followed your steps precisely (closely) and for some reason zotero won"t accept my user details... if I put in only in the url and my username and password, I get a -15 response (window saying -15 ) so I am about to give up o…