Paul Gronke


Paul Gronke


  • @bethdlindsay there's another problem with the current APSA style, it uses "et al." in the Bibliography / References section when there are more than 3 authors, and the APSA guidelines say you don't use "et al." in the bibliography unless than are &…
  • Hey Adam! Didnt' realize you were the same person. My question is how to enter something from the U.S. Code and how this should be cited using the APSA style. I'm a bit disappointed but perhaps not surprised to see statutes and laws are barely me…
  • I am interested in this as well--does anyone know who maintains the American Political Science Association style? I am an editor of one of the APSA journals and may be able to get it changed to accommodate legal case citations if I can figure out …
  • Dan is there a way to "recover" the longer tag list or somehow edit the tags in the cloud version so I can remove them? (And here I was so proud of myself for learning how to edit a sql-lite and learn...) Would one way to do t…
  • Dan Thanks, that's unfortunate to learn at this point since I removed a whole bunch of unnecessary tags using the techniques described in this thread. Essentially, then, they exist in some sort of tag set on the cloud but don't correspond t…
  • Dan I think I understand and am seeing the behavior you describe. I'm a bit at a loss about how to do what I want to do. I have modified a fairly large number of tags, working with the Zotero xmlite file. The changes appear to be reflected i…
  • Done, entered into the "Standalone" discussion. RELATED query: I have figured out how to remove the item.Tags that I do not want, but I can only operate on my personal library. I cannot figure out how to manipulate the zotero.sqlite data…