



  • Hi Xbarandiaran, Yes, if you could get in touch directly (http://www.favand.net/zed), I'd like to try to understand why you're having trouble with pdf downloads. I'm definitely going to keep working on the app, you can sign up for an occasiona…
  • Hi Laoyang! I'm glad you've tried it out. I'll take a second look at the folder tree. In the current design, it is supposed to be open all the time on screens that are wide enough. However, this may need to be adjusted. I'll be working on …
  • Hi Xbarandiaran, I'm quite happy to say that the current versions do allow downloading attachments on demand; you can then open the pdf in the default viewer. Attachments are not synced, so you won't overload your device storage. However, the c…
  • Hi all, I've been working on an app for Android. It's still a bit rough around the edges, but you can read/edit/delete items, and download attachments (no attachment uploads at the moment). I haven't implemented group libraries yet, though. htt…